B. R. Hergenhahn - An Introduction To The History Of Psychology

Dreams puzzled early man, Greek philosophers spun elaborate theories to explain human memory and perception, Descartes postulated that the brain was filled with "animal spirits," and psychology was officially deemed a "science" in the 19th century. In this Fifth Edition, B.R. Hergenhahn demonstrates that most of the concerns of contemporary psychologists are manifestations of themes that have been part of psychology for hundreds-or even thousands-of years. The book's numerous photographs and pedagogical devices, along with its biographical material on key figures in psychology, will engage you and facilitate your understanding of each chapter.

3 comentarios:

Nicolás dijo...

Habria estado bien q lo tuvierais en español, llevo dias buscandolo y no hay forma

Unknown dijo...

Hola, has tenido suerte en tu búsqueda? a mi me pasa lo mismo. Saludos

Unknown dijo...

Puedieron encontrarlo en Español?

se los REEE agradecería
